Daniel Frota de Abreu
Né en 1988, Brésil
2012-14 MA Werkplaats Typografie ArtEZ Institute of the Arts, Arnhem (NL)
2011-12 Escola de Artes Visuais Parque Lage, Rio de Janeiro (BR)
2006-11 BA Graphic Design, Pontifícia Universidade Católica, Rio de Janeiro (BR)
2014-15 Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunsten, 3Package Deal Program, Amsterdam (NL)
2014 Prix d'excellence Section 7 Books, by Galerie Castillo/Corrales, Paris (FR)
2014 Graduate Directory Selection, by Wallpaper Magazine (UK)
2012-14 ArtEZ Institute of the Arts, Arnhem (NL)
Solo Shows
2015 The Owl in Daylight, with Pedro Moraes at 019, Ghent (BE)
2012 Lorem Ispum Dolor, Galeria Casamata, Rio de Janeiro (BR)
Group Shows
2015 Videobrasil_Sesc Pompéia, 19º Panorâmas do Sul, São Paulo (BR)
2015 11º Abre Alas, Galeria A Gentil Carioca, Rio de Janeiro (BR)
2015 Half Man Half Orange, reading at Kunstverein, Amsterdam (NL)
2015 Sítio ed.2, Galeria Casamata, Rio de Janeiro (BR)
2014 26th International Biennial of Graphic Design Brno, The Moravian Gallery, Brno (CZ)
2014 Year of the End Show Werkplaats Typografie, De Ateliers, Amsterdam (NL)
2013 Internacional Festival of Eletronic Language FILE São Paulo, FIESP/SESI-SP, São Paulo (BR)
2013 Novíssimos 2013, Galeria Ibeu, Rio de Janeiro (BR)
2013 Sítio ed.1, Galeria Casamata, Rio de Janeiro (BR)
2013 We're in the Basement Learning to Print, MoMa PS1, New York (US)
2013 Running Images, Museo d'Arte Moderna di Bologna, Bologna (IT)
2013 End of the Video Show, De Ateliers, Amsterdam (NL)
2012 O Meio é a Mensagem, Galeria Casamata, Rio de Janeiro (BR)
2011 GrAphorisms, Cream Espai Creatiu, Barcelona (SP)
2010 3º Bienal Brasileira de Design, Curitiba (BR)
2015 The Owl in Daylight, performance with Pedro Moraes at San Serriffe, Amsterdam (NL)
2015 Figures Don't Lie But Liars Can Figure, screening at 019, Ghent (BE)
2015 There is a Dragon on My Back, text published at Kraft Magazine, Vienna (AS)
2015 Conversation Between Laura and Daniel, screening with Laura Pappa at Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam (NL)
2013 Printed Matter New York Art Book Fair, MoMa PS1, New York (US)
2012 Kunstvlaai, Amsterdam (NL)
2012 Printed Matter New York Art Book Fair, MoMa PS1, New York (US)
2015 Half Man Half Orange, published by Werkplaats Typografie/ArtEZ, Arnhem (NL)
2014 In Praise of Opacity: A Collection of Translator's Writings, published by Werkplaats Typografie ArtEZ Institute of the Arts, Arnhem (NL)
2014 Methods of Writing Words, Music and Plain Songs by the Means of Dots, published by Werkplaats Typografie ArtEZ Institute of the Arts, Arnhem (NL)
2013 http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/feb/18/israeli-soldier-posts-instagram-palestinian, published by Dutch Art Institute and Casco Projects, Utrecht (NL)
2013 Index of Coincidence, Novíssimos, Rio de Janeiro (BR)